August 8, 2011

Stina's Surprise 30th — The Run Down

30 days prior to Stina's birthday we organized to have 30 of her friends and family write letters or send birthday cards and then starting on July 8th she received one letter outside the front door every day up until her birthday.

On Friday we said we were meeting up with some friends in Scottsdale at the Sugar Bowl for dessert, and then after we all went to dessert we happened to drive by the Hotel Valley Ho and ended up parking and saying we wanted to take a look around. We had decorated a room and had pictures, balloons and decorations hung up all over the walls. SURPRISE!!!! We planned a stay-cation to hangout in town all weekend with the girls. (Nat, Lace, Julz, Mares, Shell, Me and Stina) Super fun, we had all packed before hand and Shell was even able to pack Stina's suitcase so she didn't have a clue. Saturday we woke up and ate cookies for breakfast, went to the pool and hung out there all morning/afternoon, went to lunch, back to the pool for the dj pool party, went shopping at Fashion Square and then we had planned a surprise dinner with all of her high school friends, college and AZ friends. It was a blast and couldn't have been a better party and surprise weekend. We LOVE you Stina! Happy 30th hope you have a wonderful year — & welcome to the club.

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